Done4You Realtor Content
Realtor® Done4U Article: 5 Signs that You Are Micro-Managing Your Files
In the real estate business, attention to detail is hugely important. In fact, it can cost you and the company a lot of money (and maybe even your license) if you screw up. However, there is a point where micro-managing your files can also damage your productivity...
Realtor® Done4U Article: Story Selling – How to Sell Your Listings Using Stories!
Let’s face it, we all love stories. What’s more, stories can be used effectively to help sell your listings. So, have you considered telling the “story” of the home, instead of the property address, square feet and number of bedrooms? Let’s assume that you’ve...
Realtor® Done4U Article: There’s a Lot More to a Loan Officer than Interest Rates
I often get calls that start out by asking the same question: “What are your interest rates?” It reminds me of the time when a distant relative purchased a home. I quoted him an interest rate, and when I called to follow up to see if he wanted to set up a loan...
Realtor® Done4U Article: Post-Closing Advice to Share with Your Home Buyers
I recently took a poll and asked several of my real estate buddies this question: “What is your advice to home buyers after they have purchased the home?” I wanted to share with you some of the answers, and would love to get an email back from you with what YOU...
Realtor® Done4U Article: Helping Your Homebuyers Write a “Letter to the Seller”
In a hot real estate market, where there can be 7 offers on one home, your home buyers need that competitive “edge,” especially those who have to compete with “cash” offers. However, presenting the homebuyer as a “person” and not just another “contract” appeals to the...
Realtor® Done4U Article: 5 Social Media Ideas to Generate Leads on Your Social Media Page
Not everyone is a writer. Not everyone is a storyteller. Not everyone is creative when it comes to creating posts for social media. Well, you really don’t have to be a writer, storyteller, or creative as long as you are consistent—and providing USEFUL information...
Realtor® Done4U Article: How Real Estate Agents Can Use Commission to Buy Real Estate
Did you know that, as a real estate agent, you can use your commission to buy residential real estate? While there are different down payment requirements if you are going to occupy the property, or buy a second home, or use it as an investment , I wanted to share...
Realtor® Done4U Article: 9 Ways to Virtually Connect When You Blog, Facebook and Email
Have you ever written something thinking it’s the best piece you ever wrote, and no one commented? Well, there is really a science to get people to virtually talk with you, to share your comments, to spread the word about how wonderful and great you are. Here are 9...
Realtor® Done4U Article: Is Clutter Making You Crazy?
When was the last time you saw the top of your desk? Your car seat? The bottom of your briefcase? Here are a couple of ideas on how to de-clutter your life and become more organized this year. There are Two Types of Clutter Peter Walsh (a de-clutter expert) says...