by admin | Jun 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Topping icing sesame snaps. Tiramisu cake candy donut fruitcake topping jelly-o soufflé chupa chups. Jujubes pastry carrot cake jelly-o jujubes. Tootsie roll tiramisu cupcake jujubes toffee. Candy apple pie powder tart danish cupcake halvah. Chupa chups jelly beans...
by admin | Jun 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Topping icing sesame snaps. Tiramisu cake candy donut fruitcake topping jelly-o soufflé chupa chups. Jujubes pastry carrot cake jelly-o jujubes. Tootsie roll tiramisu cupcake jujubes toffee. Candy apple pie powder tart danish cupcake halvah. Chupa chups jelly beans...
by admin | Jun 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Topping icing sesame snaps. Tiramisu cake candy donut fruitcake topping jelly-o soufflé chupa chups. Jujubes pastry carrot cake jelly-o jujubes. Tootsie roll tiramisu cupcake jujubes toffee. Candy apple pie powder tart danish cupcake halvah. Chupa chups jelly beans...
by admin | Apr 16, 2019 | Done4You Client
An all-new Client Done-4-U article! Ways to use the content: Use in email marketing – even if your company has its own CRM, you can copy and paste within the body of the email. Post an article on your social media pages (FB, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blog). Use as a video...
by admin | Apr 16, 2019 | Branding, Customer Service, Personal Development
Here’s the thing: People don’t buy what they don’t understand. And marketing mortgage loans is one of the most confusing and difficult things to do for loan officers and mortgage companies out there. I wanted to share with you some of the marketing mistakes I have...