Past Articles
Top 10 Things Every LO Should Know to Avoid Problems & Save Deals: Fannie, Freddie, FHA, VA, USDA
What you will learn: Comparison Chart with top 10 mortgage rules to help you avoid problems Covers FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie & Freddie tips and little-known UW rules Print and share with processors and assistants. Download the chart now!
Client Done4U Article: Things You Should Never Post on Facebook/Social Media
Social media has become more important than ever to keep in touch with family and friends. However, some information is just nobody’s business. People post tons of personal information about themselves online, including photos and email addresses to get free...
Realtor® Done4U Article: 9 Ways to Virtually Connect When You Blog, Facebook and Email
Have you ever written something thinking it’s the best piece you ever wrote, and no one commented? Well, there is really a science to get people to virtually talk with you, to share your comments, to spread the word about how wonderful and great you are. Here are 9...
Infographic: How to Increase Productivity When Working Remotely
By: Denny Andrews, Denny Andrews is a licensed mortgage originator, professional speaker, published author, corporate trainer and licensed real estate broker. To look over subjects and watch clips of actual speaking engagements go to...
Client Done4U Article: Are You a Prime Target for Burglars & Thieves?
There is a home burglary every 15 seconds—or about 2 million homes are broken into every year. Here’s what a reformed burglar has to say about the mistakes people make most often! And, most of these ideas won’t cost you a dime! Mistake #1 – Not locking doors or...
If You Find Yourself Working from Home – Don’t Freak Out!
So, you already have a home office—but this may be the very first time that you are REQUIRED to work from home! No lunch and learns. No sales meetings. No physical contact with customers. So, I wanted to share some tips on how to work effectively, enjoy the...
Realtor® Done4U Article: Is Clutter Making You Crazy?
When was the last time you saw the top of your desk? Your car seat? The bottom of your briefcase? Here are a couple of ideas on how to de-clutter your life and become more organized this year. There are Two Types of Clutter Peter Walsh (a de-clutter expert) says...
Does Public Speaking Scare the Hell Out of You?
Speaking in front of a small group or large can strike fear in the hearts of many people. However, think about the first time you went out for sports. Or put on makeup. Or even rode a bike. It took practice to get proficient at it. I am usually okay when speaking...
Client Done4U Article: How to Decide If a Renovation Is Worth the Cost
If you’ve ever watched HGTV, you know that they are big on home renovations. Chef-quality kitchens. Huge master bedrooms and bathrooms. Updating of outdoor spaces. And, it costs a lot of money. So, how do you decide if a renovation is worth the cost—and will it add...