Past Articles
Done4You Realtor Article: How to Write an “About Me” Bio
A new article to share with your real estate agent partners. Great content to email, post on social media or snail mail.
What to Consider When Hiring Your First Assistant
I recently took a poll on my social media with responses from loan officers who have been there—done that—when it comes to hiring their first assistant. You may not need an assistant now, but keep this article in case your plans are to hire one in the future. DISC...
Client Done4You Article: Bullet-Proof Your Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage
An all-new Client Done4You article! Use in email marketing, even if your company has its own CRM, you can copy and paste within the body of the email.
Post an article on your social media pages (FB, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blog)
Use as a video script.
Done4You Realtor Article: NAR Realtor Profile Report 2018 – 5 Myths
A new article to share with your real estate agent partners. Great content to email, post on social media or snail mail.
Could Manufactured Housing Be Your Next Niche?
Now that the agencies have recognized that there is a shortage of affordable homes. Now that the agencies have recognized that many areas of the country have no homes for sale. Now that the agencies have decided that there is virtually no difference between a...
The Right Way to Ask…
What you will learn:
- How to ask for permission
- How to effectively start a conversation
- How to get accurate answers to your questions
Client Done4You Article: How to Mentally Prepare Yourself to Sell Your Home
An all-new Client Done4You article! Use in email marketing, even if your company has its own CRM, you can copy and paste within the body of the email.
Post an article on your social media pages (FB, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blog)
Use as a video script.
Done4You Realtor Article: 27 Real Estate Niche Markets For You to Think About
A new article to share with your real estate agent partners. Great content to email, post on social media or snail mail.
Low Housing Inventory? Hold a Seller’s Seminar and Help Agents Get More Listings
What you will learn:
• Why seminars work when there is no listing inventory
• Outline of what to present at seller seminars
• Sample ad for seller seminar
• Social media posts to generate listing leads.