Past Articles

She Had So Much Drive In Her, But Was She A Good Leader?

She Had So Much Drive In Her, But Was She A Good Leader?

I remember meeting her on the Zoom call that day. I made a conscious effort to listen not only to what she was saying but also to what she wasn’t. As she discussed her employees, she expressed frustration, saying, “They just aren’t focused. They don’t understand hard...

The Power of Sincere Compliments

The Power of Sincere Compliments

During the middle of a VIP coaching session with a client, I had an experience that reinforced the immense value of genuine compliments. As we spent the day together, I couldn't help but notice her energy, prompting me to create a list of her strengths as we worked...

20 Recommendations to Improve Your Life and Self-Care

20 Recommendations to Improve Your Life and Self-Care

Welcome to Loan Officer Magazine, where we believe that taking care of yourself is essential for leading a fulfilling life. In this blog post, we will share 20 recommendations to help you improve your life and practice self-care. Remember, investing in yourself is an...