Past Articles

Creating a New Construction Seminar for Consumers

So the refinance business is going away. You have a ton of clients who are pre-approved, but because of the lack of listing inventory, they are not able to find a home to buy. And, "Start calling on real estate agents" has again become the “new” marketing strategy....

Client Articles done 4 u

Client Articles done 4 u

Keep in Touch with Past Clients with Articles Ghost-Written for You: Send to past clients, family, friends and even prospects you are working with right now. Email, use in a blog, or print and send snail mail. Use as a video script. If getting responses and engagement...

35 Mortgage Taglines

Many mortgage companies have taglines — you know, the slogans that are supposed to describe what your company stands for? Well, I recently asked loan officers to share their personal tag lines, and here’s a list of 35 that I thought you might be inspire you… I’m on...

B of A – Marketing to Attorney – Sample Letter

Dear (Name of Attorney): You are probably wondering why you are getting a letter from a mortgage loan officer! It’s because I might be able to help some of your clients! My name is ________ (your name), and I am a local mortgage company who does business with banks...

Realtor® Articles/Newsletter – April/May

Here is a list of great content to email, post on social media or snail mail. Please check out where they can do this all for you—including branding the subject title with your name and posting it on your social media pages. Are You Telling a...

Client Done4U Articles – June/July 2018

Client Done4U Articles – June/July 2018

In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find info to share about credit scoring. 17 Questions when shopping for a real estate agent and 5 tips to save money now. And the content is yours to swipe and distribute as if you wrote it yourself.