by KarenDeis | Jun 23, 2020 | Client Advisor, Scripts
The one thing that I know for sure is that your clients and real estate agents WANT to be educated about the mortgage loan process. I can assure you that that’s what you REALLY do as a loan officer – you “teach” your clients and real estate agents all day long. So, I...
by KarenDeis | Feb 25, 2020 | Client Advisor, Managing Your Business
I recently viewed a video with Frank and Brian, the National Real Estate Report, and they listed the top 9 confusing issues that your mortgage clients (and even real estate agents) don’t understand when going through the mortgage process. I’m betting that the order of...
by KarenDeis | Feb 4, 2020 | Client Advisor
Did you know that the minute (well, maybe not the minute, but close enough) that you close that loan, credit card companies, insurance agents and OTHER mortgage companies are buying a pre-screened credit list from the credit bureau? Which means, your new clients will...
by KarenDeis | Jan 7, 2020 | Client Advisor
As a mortgage professional, I’m sure you’ve seen your share of people who are trying to qualify for a home, but their finances, credit, job history are a total disaster. Sure, some of the financial problems are a result of extenuating circumstances – but I believe...
by KarenDeis | Feb 26, 2019 | Client Advisor
Companies and loan officers spend a lot of money creating a brand. They talk about loan programs. Awards won. Testimonials. Work on getting LIKES on Facebook and followers on LinkedIn. However, companies tend to SELL solutions to EXTERNAL problems—but customers...
by admin | Jan 29, 2019 | Client Advisor, Sales Skills, Scripts
What you will learn: Why are your closing costs (rate) higher than everyone else? Why should I do business with you? I’ve already been pre-approved and now I’m shopping for rates…what is your rate? I’m sure you’ve been asked the questions above—at least a million...